
Michael Clemence Engagement Manager Ipsos Trends and Foresight
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Colin Strong Head of Behavioural Sciences
Miles Grinyer Senior Researcher Ipsos Corporate Reputation
Jennifer Armond Senior Consultant Ipsos Strategy3
Monique Centrone Associate Partner Ipsos Strategy3
Tasneem Ali Service Line Leader Ipsos Synthesio
Matt Patchett Associate Director Insights Lead Ipsos Iris
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In our world of rapid change, the need for reliable information to make confident decisions has never been greater.
At Ipsos we believe our clients need more than a data supplier, they need a partner who can produce accurate and relevant information and turn it into actionable truth.
This is why our passionately curious experts not only provide the most precise measurement, but shape it to provide a true understanding of society, markets and people.
To do this we use the best of science, technology and know-how and apply the principles of security, simplicity, speed and substance to everything we do.
So that our clients can act faster, smarter and bolder. Ultimately, success comes down to a simple truth: You act better when you are sure.
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Technical note
Recruitment to the panel
Panellists are recruited via a random probability unclustered address-based sampling method. This means that every household in the UK has a known chance of being selected to join the panel. Letters are sent to selected addresses in the UK (using the postcode address file) inviting them to become members of the panel. Invited members are able to sign up to the panel by completing a short online questionnaire or by returning a paper form. Up to 2 members of the household are able to sign up to the panel. Members of the public who are digitally excluded are able to register to the KnowledgePanel either by post or by telephone, and are given a tablet, an email address, and basic internet access (see further information below) which allows them to complete surveys online.
Sample and weighting information
This study was conducted on the KnowledgePanel between 1st June – 7th June 2023. In total 2,178 interviews were achieved with residents across the United Kingdom aged 16+.
In order to ensure the survey results are as representative of the target population as possible, the below weighting spec was applied to the data in line with the target population profile. Two members per household are allowed to register on the KnowledgePanel. Therefore, we employed a design weight to correct for unequal probabilities of selection of household members. Calibration weights have also been applied using the latest population statistics relevant to the surveyed population to correct for imbalances in the achieved sample. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland were weighted together.
Conducting the survey
The survey was designed using a “mobile-first” approach, which took into consideration the look, feel and usability of a questionnaire on a mobile device. This included: a thorough review of the questionnaire length to ensure it would not over burden respondents from focusing on a small screen for a lengthy period, avoiding the use of grid style questions (instead using question loops which are more mobile friendly), and making questions “finger-friendly” so they’re easy to respond to. The questionnaire was also compatible with screen reader software to help those requiring further accessibility.
The KnowledgePanel is a random probability survey panel. Therefore, the KnowledgePanel does not use a quota approach when conducting surveys. Instead invited samples are stratified when conducting waves to account for any profile skews within the panel. The sample was stratified by country and education, and a sample boost was then applied to achieve a good amount of responses from panellists aged 16 to 34.
A total of 4,275 panellists in the United Kingdom (aged 16+) were selected and invited to take part in the survey. Of these, 2,178 respondents completed the survey – a response rate of 51%.
The calibration weights were applied in two stages:
- The first set of variables were (using ONS 2019 mid-year population estimates as the weighting targets): An interlocked variable of Gender by Age, and region.
- The second set were (using ONS 2019 mid-year population estimates and the ONS Annual Population Survey as the weighting targets): Education, Ethnicity, Index of Multiple Deprivation (quintiles), and number of adults in the household.
Recruitment to the panel
Panellists are recruited via a random probability unclustered address-based sampling method. This means that every household in the UK has a known chance of being selected to join the panel. Letters are sent to selected addresses in the UK (using the postcode address file) inviting them to become members of the panel. Invited members are able to sign up to the panel by completing a short online questionnaire or by returning a paper form. Up to 2 members of the household are able to sign up to the panel. Members of the public who are digitally excluded are able to register to the KnowledgePanel either by post or by telephone, and are given a tablet, an email address, and basic internet access (see further information below) which allows them to complete surveys online.
Conducting the survey
The survey was designed using a ‘mobile-first’ approach, which took into consideration the look, feel and usability of a questionnaire on a mobile device. This included: a thorough review of the questionnaire length to ensure it would not over burden respondents from focusing on a small screen for a lengthy period, avoiding the use of grid style questions (instead using question loops which are more mobile friendly), and making questions ‘finger-friendly’ so they’re easy to respond to. The questionnaire was also compatible with screen reader software to help those requiring further accessibility.
Sample and weighting information
This study was conducted on the KnowledgePanel between 1st June – 7th June 2023. In total 2,178 interviews were achieved with residents across the United Kingdom aged 16+.
The KnowledgePanel is a random probability survey panel. Therefore, the KnowledgePanel does not use a quota approach when conducting surveys. Instead invited samples are stratified when conducting waves to account for any profile skews within the panel. The sample was stratified by country and education, and a sample boost was then applied to achieve a good amount of responses from panellists aged 16 to 34.
A total of 4,275 panellists in the United Kingdom (aged 16+) were selected and invited to take part in the survey. Of these, 2,178 respondents completed the survey – a response rate of 51%.
In order to ensure the survey results are as representative of the target population as possible, the below weighting spec was applied to the data in line with the target population profile. Two members per household are allowed to register on the KnowledgePanel. Therefore, we employed a design weight to correct for unequal probabilities of selection of household members. Calibration weights have also been applied using the latest population statistics relevant to the surveyed population to correct for imbalances in the achieved sample. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland were weighted together.
The calibration weights were applied in two stages:
- The first set of variables were (using ONS 2019 mid-year population estimates as the weighting targets): An interlocked variable of Gender by Age, and region.
- The second set were (using ONS 2019 mid-year population estimates and the ONS Annual Population Survey as the weighting targets): Education, Ethnicity, Index of Multiple Deprivation (quintiles), and number of adults in the household.