When we showed an early draft version of the first TechnoVision document to one of our most senior executives 15 years ago, his assessment was brief and relentless: “It’s neither techno nor vision”. And although it was a tough pill to swallow at the time, in hindsight it turns out he was right.
Sure, TechnoVision brings a fascinating array of up-to-date, key technology trends, but it also zooms in on the business impact of each of these trends and illustrates the value with many use cases and best practices. And yes, TechnoVision provides overarching themes that underpin many of the trends, and thus can be considered as a vision document, but it is first and foremost an actionable framework and toolkit that is used daily across the globe for ideation, digital storytelling, and all-other-things innovative.
Talking about overarching themes: we have seen our 2021 ‘Be Like Water’ leitmotiv resonating very well with both our clients and our own professionals, to the extent that we prolonged the theme for another year through the slight variation of ‘Being Like Water’ in 2022. It was a plea to apply technology to make businesses more agile, adaptive, responsive, resilient, and creative – all necessary in the era of Uncertainty2 in which the economy, society, and technology potentially change overnight, again and again.
And although 2023 promises to be yet another unpredictable year – with ‘Being Like Water’ arguably more relevant than ever – we felt the current technology business context needs a new theme, a new motto. With ‘Right the Technology, Write the Future’, we make “a call to action” to be respectful of the increasingly scarce resources we have at our disposal. We believe the challenge is in selecting the right technology solutions and innovation initiatives that not only contribute best to the organizational future but also have a clear, positive societal impact. Furthermore, as innovative technology itself tends to be quite hungry for energy and other scarce resources, we suggest IT people drink their own champagne, and be both more frugal and more creative in choosing the resources they really need: this is all about righting the technology, for better futures.
Upcycling is one of the best ways to achieve this, reusing existing solutions and technology to create something of higher quality or value than the original. In fact, we decided to apply the concept of upcycling to this year’s TechnoVision as well. You will recognize many of your favorite technology trends from last year, as they are still highly relevant – but they’ve been upgraded with the latest insights, use cases, and technology examples.
There are quite a few new trends as well this year, which reflect the overall theme of ‘Right the Technology, Write the Future’. We see industry-specific clouds emerging as a way for organizations in a sector to lessen the burden of legacy IT landscapes while boosting collaboration in areas such as CO2 reduction and innovation. We see green software engineering shaping and reshaping the applications portfolio in a sustainable way.
We see net-zero data emerging as a route to corporate net-zero and as a plea to battle data waste. Meanwhile, we envision the Internet of Twins approach evolving into mixed realities in which we travel less, occupy fewer offices and still achieve more. Then there is the distributed, decentral ‘mesh’ web that relies much less on leaders, fixed assets, and structures yet creates more value. And do we even need to point out how ‘creative machines’ such as chatGPT will make us more productive with less resources?
So, something ‘old,’ something new – but TechnoVision remains true to its vision: an accessible, well-structured, actionable framework, describing 37 technology trends, which are based on the contributions of Capgemini experts all around the world, from many different domains. There is something in each trend for everyone, whether you are an IT expert looking for the serendipity of unexpected angles, or a tech-curious businessperson wanting to understand the buzz. If nothing else, TechnoVision brings you some fresh thinking to address the technology business issues of today, and helps you design, plan, and ultimately, write the future you want.
Sounds about right, doesn’t it?

Ron Tolido
CTO, Master Architect
Insights & Data Global Business Line

Gunnar Menzel
CTO, Master Architect
Northern Central Europe / Public Sector