- In research 79% of SMEs reported that Improved Financial Decision Making propositions had a net positive impact on their business, with key benefits including reduced time on paperwork and better insights into their business
- In reviews of open banking-enabled services, the average rating across all providers was 4.5 out of 5.0
- Better Borrowing for Small Businesses and Increased Savings and Investments for Consumers saw the highest ratings at 4.7 out of 5.0
This section covers the second part of the Intermediate Outcomes stage in the Theory of Change, which refers to the adoption of products and services which, “are suited to [end user] needs and circumstances, and [end users] have positive experiences of them”. This section contains preliminary analysis, due to the challenges of conducting research directly with the end users of open banking-enabled services. These challenges stem from the low levels of penetration and the fact that many end users may be unaware that they are using an open banking-enabled solution (and others thinking that they are using one, when in fact they are not). These limitations are in evidence in the SME Research conducted by IPSOS MORI for the OBIE in 2020. We have used some data from this survey, but with significant caveats.
To supplement this, we have used an analysis of online reviews of live to market products and services from leading online review sites.
View the research infographic here

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