What's causing the gap?
What is disaggregation and why is it important?
Disaggregation is defined by the OECD as ‘the breakdown of observations, usually within a common branch of a hierarchy, to a more detailed level’.
In the context of this report this means that we don’t simply take averages of the salaries of all of our employees from all UK ethnic minorities; rather we compare the average salary of e.g. all of our black employees with that of all of our white employees.
Mean Asian pay gap
Mean aggregated pay gap
Mean black pay gap

Our variances
Our Asian employees earn on average 9.2% (mean) or 15.4% (median) more than our white employees, whereas our black employees earn 20.5% or 20.7% less and our employees of mixed ethnicity 14.2% or 9.7% less.
National context
This disparity is seen at a national level too, albeit it is nuanced and not necessarily on the same scale. For example the national gap for black citizens is between 4% (Caribbean) and 8% (African), whereas for Asian citizens the range is from 16% (Pakistani) to -16% (Indian), i.e. citizens of Pakistani ethnicity earn on average 16% less than white citizens; whereas those of Indian ethnicity earn on average 16% more.