Ethnicity Pay Gap
This is City & Guilds’ first UK ethnicity pay gap insights summary report. Findings are based on data as at 5 April 2020. We have identified some specific areas of concern and are committed to reducing our gaps in the coming years.
Our commitment to inclusion and diversity has always been implicit within our organisational purpose (to ‘help people, organisations and economies develop their skills for growth’) but in recent years we have sought to connect the two intents more explicitly. We are currently exploring how we can evidentially demonstrate how our social impact starts with internal equity and ends with our external contribution to the United Nations sustainable development goal to ‘reduce inequality within and among countries’.
Our approach
In response to the global movement for racial justice in summer 2020, we have invested significantly in inclusion and diversity, undertaking a range of ad hoc and cyclical listening exercises to understand better the lived experiences of our employees and the challenges they experience, and taking a data-led approach to the development of our inclusion and diversity strategy.

Our findings
Central to this data-driven strategy is our commitment to disaggregate and report publicly the detail of our ethnicity pay gaps.
Without disaggregation our ethnicity pay gap is 5%; however this hides the significant variance of a 30% gap between certain ethnic groups in City & Guilds, a general trend that is seen more widely at the societal level. We recognise we have significant work to do and need to take targeted and intentional action to ensure meaningful impact. As an organisation we will continue to publish the variance externally and advocate for other organisations to follow suit and disaggregate their data.
Mean aggregated pay gap
Median aggregated pay gap